Heading to 2017 – what is install for the collective?

As the end of the year comes our way, not only can the Flood Community of Practice look back at a year full of engaging and rich ideas generating activities – Brisbane River 2036 Flood Hypothetical,  the SEQWaterFutures design charrette and the Resilient Urban Deltas and Floodplains Summit but participants have already framed a program of events for 2017.

Do open this link and please have a look at what is in stall – as I am sure there will be something that will attract your interest.  Activities planned include:

  • field trips to the Lockyer Valley – to see firsthand the geomorphological features of river channels and floodplains that influence flood vulnerability
  • seminars from colleagues implementing flood risk management in regional and rural settings
  • launch the final report of the SEQWaterFutures design charrette
  • joint activity with other groups such as the LGAQ QCoast 2100 program and the Brisbane Development Association

Next year Floodplain Management Australia has its national conference in Newcastle in May and in October interest is building for an Australian group to visit the Netherlands on a flood risk and water management study tour.