Workshop program and resources – Geomorphology and floodplain management – Gatton 29 March 2017
10:00 am Registration and morning tea
- Meet us at Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre 34 Lake Apex Dr – Gatton
- Morning tea and networking
10:30 Welcome
- Introduction to the Day – Piet Filet
- Welcome from our Lockyer Valley Regional Council Host
10:40am overview of the ARC Big flood study and key outcomes
- Series of interchanging presentations from Jacky Crocke and Chris Thompson
- Additional resources:
- Project posters
- Introduce participants to the web site
12:00 to 14:00 site inspection and picnic lunch
Download details, maps and diagrams on the field site tour at this link
14:00 to 15:45 faciliated discussion on how floodplain management inititives can benefit and utilise the science insights
- Introduction to this mixed presentation and discussion session
- Introduction of Participants
- Lockyer Valley Regional Council – Belinda Wheland
- Growcom – Rowena Beveridge and Anna Geddes
- SEQ Water – Danile Garcia
- Ipswich City Council – Kaye Cavanagh
15:45 to 16:00 wrap up
- Next steps from the workshop