What is in the Strategic Floodplain Management Plan for the Brisbane River, our communities and us, as professionals?
Unpacking the Strategic Floodplain Management Plan for the Brisbane River
Since the Floods of January 2011, there has been an extended effort to initiate, undertake and finalize a Strategic Floodplain Management Plan for the Brisbane River floodplain and catchments. In March 2019, the SFMP was launched and over the last 5 years the Flood CoP network has had a long interest on what it might entail and what it means for professional working in sectors that overlap with the actions arising out of the Plan.
Local government
City Smart
Ipswich City Council
Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Logan City Council
Somerset Regional Council
SEQ Water
State government
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Queensland Reconstruction Authority
Australian Rivers Institute
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Floodplain Management Australia
International WaterCentre
Queensland University of Technology
University of Queensland
Arup, BMT, Cook Consultancy, DHI, Ethos Urban
Herd Holdings Pty Ltd, IC berg, Jacobs
Synergy Solutions, Water Modelling Solutions
Water Technology Pty Ltd
Red Cross
Piet Filet – Flood Community of Practice Convenor – launched the event of Monday 15th July with an interactive presentation to initiate feedback from participants…
Find the full report of the real-time feedback provided during the event at the end of this page.
Purpose of the event
- Build an understanding of why and how the SFMP was developed and what it entails.
- Introduce the themes of efforts needed to implement the actions.
- Consider the collective effort and tools needed to implement the actions.