Managed Retreat from the Floodplain – Lessons from USA case studies and what it might mean for Australia?
Opportunity for this Seminar
Through the Flood Community of Practice partners at the Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University we were introduced to Prof Nichols Pinter in advance of his trip to Australia. Based on his research expertise – Managed Retreats – and an interest in Australian case studies on managed retreat, we were able to have Nicholas visit us here in Brisbane.
Nicholas was more than happy to provide a seminar presentation on case studies of 30 “managed retreats” – starting back in 1881. What a rich history this is. And please look through his presentation below to appreciate this evolving process over time.
As a complimentary activity, Nicholas had a one day tour of Grantham a local SEQ town that since the extreme flood event of 2011 has also undergone a managed retreat. Guiding Nicholas on this tour was Jamie Simmonds, currently National Development Manager at Sentinel Property Group, but back in 2011 joined Lockyer Valley Regional Council to assist past Mayor Steve Jones undertake this unique initiative.
At the seminar presentation, Jamie together with Dorean Erhart – a climate change professional – formed a panel to provide additional feedback to the audience on the challenges on responding to flood and inundation risk. More follows on the video clips.
Participants at the Event – 14 March 2019
With an interest of 50 participants, the night saw a diverse mix of colleagues from:
Local and State Governments:
- Noosa Shire Council
- Sunshine Coast Regional Council
- Local Government Association Queensland
- Queensland Reconstruction Authority
- Department of Environment & Sciences
Water Utilities
- SEQWater
- Dutch Regional Water Authority – Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe
Research & Capacity Building
- Griffith University
- International water Centre
- CRC Water Sensitive Cities
- Southern Cross University – national Centre for Flood Research
- University of California Davies
Industry & Consultants
- Arup
- Bligh Tanner
- Core Project Advsiory
- Hydrorock Australia
- Jacobs
- MerdianUrban
- Phoneix Resilience
- RED Consultant
- RW&A
- Suncorp
- Water Modelling Solutions
- Water Technology
The presentation provides a unique case study insight into a range of various managed retreats – you will not believe the mix of motivations and process for change that has occurred – beware the architect who meets the Government bureaucrat- scandal follows!!!
As an additional bonus we have three video clips of the various presentations.
Click on one of the following U Tube videos if you would like to;
See and follow Nicholas’s presentation
This seminar provided a unique opportunity to address an issue and option that is often seen to be far too hard and often perceived as not in the community’s interest. Nicholas Pinter’s insights certainly showed us all that a fresh approach is possible. Based on the many questions and discussion from this diverse professional mix there is a sense that Managed Retreat are often the elephant in the corner issue!! So as we did on this night – let us at talk openly on the issue and be aware on the pros, cons and opportunity that it might offer.
Post the presentations the conversation continued and as you can see below the networking, sharing and collaboration was active.
Many thanks to:
- Josh Cooney – our Suncorp Host
- Annie Leggett for the amazing catering
- Elsie Alley-Ferme for videos and photography