Group collaboration develops visual delights – SEQWaterFutures charrette in action
The SEQ WaterFutures charrette brought together a mix of 80 participants over 3 consecutive days. This diverse mix of professionals included colleagues from:
- Local and State Governments, Brisbane Airport and Water Utilities;
- architecture, master-planning and planning practices;
- water management consultancies
- economic, resilience, communication and strategic management consultancies
- insurance sector
- local Universities, Regional NGO and community groups
In addition a group of 22 masters student from the UQ School of Architecture joined the workshop to offer some additional support in developing the drawings, fact checking and adding to the mix of possible future options.
Our lead facilitators of John Hoal and Derek Hoeferlin from St Louis – USA, Tijs van Loon – The Netherlands and James Davidson – Brisbane ensured each of the four groups continued to craft a suite of principals and examples on how adaptation and resilience could be developed for the suite of future water scenarios.
In the scene setting discussions, framing was developed from the challenges for each of the four areas. Each area was a work-group focus and ideas were built cumulatively over the 3 days for each area, namely:
- Lockyer catchment
- Bremer catchment
- Lower Brisbane River area
- Regional extent of the Brisbane River catchment
As a result of mix of concepts were visually mapped at a region wide and catchment scale. In addition, more specific local ideas were depicted in schematic drawings or local cross-sections. The examples below are a select examples of some of these depictions. A full compilation will be brought together as part of a synthesis report from this planning charrette.