Upcoming event
To build on the open minded thinking stimulated by the February Flood Hypothetical – an event in early August aims to develop a more substantiated set of principles and design options for the Brisbane River catchment. It has a focus of better managing future flood impacts – but in the context of a whole of catchment approach. This planning charrette event – SEQWaterFutures – is being initiated by James Davidson – a local architect – who found this refreshing approach while on a Churchill Fellowship in 2012.
In this multi-day workshop, John Hoal (USA), Derek Hoeferlin (USA) and Stojn Kolle (The Netherlands) will join us and lead participants through a technique they have used in New Orleans and St Louis. A team of mixed discipline specialists will be invited to engage in a creative design process. Local SEQ stakeholders will also provide feedback along the way – to ensure the approach builds on local knowledge and experience. The final report – will be a mix of visual summaries, conceptual designs at sub-catchment and neighborhood scales and key ideas.